
讯科检测主营:深圳检测机构, 可靠性测试, COC认证, 第三方认证机构, 连接器测试, 第三方检测报告, CE认证, 材料检测, 防腐等级测试, SAA认证, HAST测试, reach认证, 盐雾测试, WF2腐蚀测试, 烤箱检测, 验收报告, 3c认证查询, 汽车零部件检测, ISTA包装测试, 深圳认证机构, 防水防尘测试, UL认证, 3c认证证书, 水质检测中心, 化学品安全技术说明书, 不锈钢牌号鉴定, 美国FDA认证, MSDS查询, 材料分析, 金属材料牌号鉴定, mic认证, msds, 有害物质检测, 软件测试, 硬度检测, 油漆涂料检测, UV老化测试, 材料性能测试, 三综合测试, 第三方测试机构, 铝合金测试, 牌号鉴定, EMC电磁兼容测试, 不锈钢检测, 质量检测报告, 金属材质分析, 二氧化硫腐蚀测试, MTBF测试报告, 深圳检测中心, 生物降解测试, 建筑材料检测, 玩具检测, 噪音检测, HALT测试, 电缆检测, 声学测试, IP防护等级测试, MSDS报告, FDA认证, 产品寿命测试, 包装运输测试, 软件评测, 亚马逊检测报告, 氙灯老化测试, FDA注册, 冷热冲击测试, 气体腐蚀测试, 快速温变测试, 钢材检测, MTBF检测报告, 重金属检测, MSDS认证, wifi认证, 型号核准, 机械CE认证, VCCI认证, 日本JATE认证, Qi认证, ETL认证, ROHS认证, KC认证, 防爆认证, MTBF认证, 蓝牙BQB认证, CB认证, CE认证机构, IC认证, 3c认证机构, 建材CE认证, NCC认证, ce认证公司, WPC认证, HDMI认证, BIS认证, 欧盟CE认证, SRRC认证, CQC, 3C认证, CCC认证, PSE认证, FCC认证, KCC认证, 纸箱运输测试, 失效分析, 电池测试, TDS报告, CE认证费用, reach法规, 第三方质检报告, 纸箱检测等产品及业务,咨询热线:0755-23727890。

咨询热线:18165787025 / 0755- 23727890



1. 新补充修订的生态设计法规指令也被称为“amended Regulations”。

2. 为了消除生产商和市场监督机构对于技术文件中的值及相应的查证公差的困惑,增加了“declared values”概念描述。

Declared Values: 被生产商、进口商或授权代表声明的,计算的或测量的满足法规第5章要求的技术参数,用于成员国权力机构对产品的法规符合性查证。

3. 为了提高特定产品法规的有效性和可信度并保护消费者,能够检测到被测并在测试条件下自动更改其性能的产品,目的是使指定的任何参数达到更有利法规水平或技术文档中或提供的任何文档中的值,不得投放市场。

4. 光源不能被有效拆出用于测试的产品,整个产品作为光源来测试评估。


1. 第二章第四点变化如下:

增加了“including, but not limited to”包含且不限制为的描述,相应更具体说明了此类产品的范围。


(4)“containing product” means a product containing one or more light sources, or separate control gears, or both, including, but not limited to, luminaires that can be taken apart to allow separate verification of the contained light source(s), household appliances containing light source(s), furniture (shelves, mirrors, display cabinets) containing light source(s).

2. 第二章第四点(1)第二段被替代如下:



Manufacturers, importers or authorised representatives of containing products shall ensure that light sources and separate control gears can be removed without being permanently damaged for verification purposes by market surveillance authorities. The technical documentation shall provide instructions on how to do this.

3. 第7章被替代如下:




The manufacturer, importer or authorised representative shall not place on the market products designed to be able to detect they are being tested (for example, by recognising the test conditions or test cycle) and to react specifically by automatically altering their performance during the test with the aim of reaching a more favourable level for any of the parameters in the technical documentation or included in any documentation provided.

The energy consumption of the product and any of the other declared parameters shall not deteriorate after a software or firmware update when measured with the same test standard originally used for the declaration of conformity, except with explicit consent of the end-user prior to the update. No performance change shall occur as a result of rejecting the update.

A software update shall never have the effect of changing the product's performance in a way that makes it non-compliant with the ecodesign requirements applicable for the declaration of conformity.

4. 增加第12章如下:



If no unit belonging to the same model or equivalent models was placed on the market before 1 July 2021, the units of models placed on the market between 1 July 2021 and 31 August 2021 which comply with the provisions of this regulation shall be considered compliant with the requirements of Commission Regulations (EC) No 244/2009, (EC) No 245/2009 and (EU) No 1194/2012. 




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